1000S of people have 1000s of questions..and that
is the reason we have created this section of this blog,Frequently asked
1)Can anybody join SSSLS Trust?
A:Anybody can join the trust and be a member of the
trust by just donating 1000rs..
2)What does a basic member get from the trust?
A:A member who donates 1000rs can easily approach
the trust and opt for the different formulas and seeing the corresponding
donations required for learning each stock market formula,the member can
allocate his funds,donate the prescribed amount and learn the formula and
implement the formula for his family’s benefit
3)Is the formula really working given by the trust?
A:The stock market formulas are working with 100%
success rate and if in case any member proves to the trust that the formula
does not work in stock market after correctly following the rules and
regulations,the trust will surely refund the money in presence of advocates
alongwith penalty from the trust point of view which is practically not
possible at all,because all formuas are based on mathematics,and mathematics
and logic never fails at any situation
4)Can any stock broker join trust and will trust
work with any stock broker?
A:Yes,any stock market broker can just become a
member,come with his proposal of some donations to the trust and get benefited
from the trust in the best way possible which deems fit
4)Is legal contract compulsory with the trust??
A:The legal contract is dam compulsory with the
trust and no member can avoid it.Only a person who has malefied intentions and
who does not want his actions to get recorded correctly will avoid entering a
contract,which the trust believes that each and every member is a gentleman
till he proves otherwise.
5)Can anybody donate to the trust?
A:Yes,anybody can donate to the trust and that too
through online transfer after the bank details are provided by the member after
giving his due identity and other important details or through google pay and
other source of money transfer mechanisms
6)What is this “bright consultancy services” and
how is it related to the trust??
A:Bright consultancy services is nothing but a
brainchild of the trust and is a consultancy service reserved only for the
trust which gives brilliant ideas related to application of the stock market
formulas for obtaining growth.
7)IF everybody starts using this stock market
formula,who will lose??
A:First of all,there are many facets of answers for
this simple yet foolish question..IF any person is reading this and thinks
himself to be a very intelligent person,we are sorry to record here that he is
the biggest fool under the sky,because the answer lies below
To begin
with,every person in this world,will not try to become a member of this
valuable trust.There are millions of temples all over the world
Is it that all temples are rich in fullness??
Even after seeing lot of temples,still there are
idiots in the society who state that there is no god and who believe an another
That is what is the cheapest,dirtiest mentality of
each and every individual..where his own contractional thinking stops his
Everybody will not have interest in stock
market.Even though the trust would be ready to cater to the needs of each and
every individual,still it is the personal liking or disliking of each and every
individual towards stock market trading where even after donating a member may
not be interested in trading in the market
Not only that,even after learning a formula,still
the trust cant infuse the basic courage,vitality,energy for trading in stock
market.At the most,the trust can teach a winning strategy in stock market and
that too for intelligent open minded people and not for clumsy idiots and lazy
In today’s society why is it that in an
university,there are lot of courses given for the students where only one
course is going to fetch them the living.
Why to talk about others???..Let us take the basic
example of Mr.Ramani Iyer.When he was studying in Osmania University,even in
his wildest dreams Mr.Iyer would not have thought of his joining ONGC,visiting
poland,houston,seeing Mr.Paul Newendorp and ultimately developing a formula
Who knows,had somebody during 1966,before Mr.Iyer
joined ONGC had somebody talked about stock market,he would have told that I am
not interested.That is the miracle of time.What was yesterday,is not today and
what is today may not be tomorrow
Every young man wants to be young always,but
ultimately time snatches his youth from him ultimately leading a young man to
old age and finally to death.So such lot of possiblities are there in this
world and considering that a formula if adopted will satisfy everybody in all ways possible is
itself may be wrong
There is also a possibility that a member learns a
formula from trust.After learning the formula the member also trades in stock
market and makes money for atleast 3-4 months.Once he is happy with the
earning,and with the basic fear that if in case he keeps on trading,he may stop
trading also
It is also possible that a day trader may be
winning against the long term investors,who is not at all trading in stock
market when market is falling.So like this,there are lot of possibilities which
has to be considered and no final decision can be finalized
8)Who will be the successor of Mr.Sathyanarayana
Iyer for this trust,when he is not married and a strict bachelor for entire
A:There lies the magic of Bhagavan Sri
Sathyanarayana,As he created one Sathyanarayana for doing his work,similarly
the great god of gods will create 1000s of Sathyanarayanas for doing future
work and introduce new characters and new stories with new dimensions
8)Where is the trust office?? And how can we
contact it?
A:Trust office address is widespread all over the
world and the address will be given only to members as the trust offices are
opened from time to time.People who are interested in donating to the trust can
I,Jordan Meghanes,believe that through this section
of blog,I have cleared lot of doubts what common man has in his brain and I
hope that lot of members will surely join this trust,